Meet Matt...
Matt is an outgoing 35 year old "normal" guy who works 8.5 hours a day in a high energy corporate environment and he is READY to RENEW his overall health...

Matt's Goal: To change his entire body composition in 60 days. Drop weight, Lose Inches, Increase Stamina, Increase Flexibility Excel at Work, and FEEL GREAT!

Matt has committed to eating a 100% detoxifying LIVING FOODS diet, to go to YOGA as often as his Yogaworks trainers tell him to, to eat whatever Chef Jenny at 118 tells him to, to exercise with weights twice a week- in short to turn everything around...

Can he do it? What will his results be? Check on "Raw Matt" daily, tell your friends, heck join him...

Monday, February 4, 2008

Day 15 - A Riptide Among Alpha Waves ~

With the weekend behind me, I was ready to get back to work. Today was a good day as I'm gaining momentum on a few projects. Breakfast was the usual shake and is still one of my favorite times of day. I always feel that by starting off with all that nutritious superfood in my system I'm sending my body all kinds of positive messages. It feels good to honor and respect myself in this way both mentally and physically.

For lunch i had the portabello mushroom tacos and a salad. Whoa baby good stuff! Ill be posting pictures soon to show how incredible this food looks too.

I went home after work and winded down before i went to Yogaworks. I got there 10 min before class and there was absolutely NO parking. I was getting frustrated and beginning to think i might not make it to class. Then i found myself in a space of talking myself out of going and to read it as a sign not to go, to maybe go to the gym or just pass on it for the night and get some rest. I had to call bullshit on that and realize i was avoiding it for some reason. I re-asserted my intention to go and BAM a spot opened up. Shaking my head i ran to the building and wouldn't you know it... the class was delayed 10 minutes.

I settled my thoughts and used the time to get myself straight so i could assess what i was avoiding by creating that stress. i headed into class and found i didnt have the center i did in my previous Thursday class. It was a new teacher but i finished and somewhere along the way chilled out my vibe. I left thinking i was feeling "good" - it wasn't until i was on the freeway that i realized just how relaxed and peaceful i really felt - a car was approaching me from behind and coming up pretty fast . . . i then looked at my speedometer and started to laugh as i accelerated . . . i was doing 45 ~

I havent fully decompressed my experience in the parking lot - the weekend did rock me a bit but i sense a more emotional / mindful check-in is at hand ~


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