Meet Matt...
Matt is an outgoing 35 year old "normal" guy who works 8.5 hours a day in a high energy corporate environment and he is READY to RENEW his overall health...

Matt's Goal: To change his entire body composition in 60 days. Drop weight, Lose Inches, Increase Stamina, Increase Flexibility Excel at Work, and FEEL GREAT!

Matt has committed to eating a 100% detoxifying LIVING FOODS diet, to go to YOGA as often as his Yogaworks trainers tell him to, to eat whatever Chef Jenny at 118 tells him to, to exercise with weights twice a week- in short to turn everything around...

Can he do it? What will his results be? Check on "Raw Matt" daily, tell your friends, heck join him...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Day 3 - Fatigue at times

Today i was surprisingly tired throughout the day. I woke well after what felt like a great night's sleep. Took a long steam in the shower and went to work.

Once i got there i made tea and realized i wanted a more substantial breakfast. I had the same shake as yesterday although i still really enjoyed it and i also had a banana.

Later in the day around 11am i met Randy Allard from Yogaworks at the 118 Degree restaurant to further discuss my yoga regimen. She recommended a book by Iyengar call Light on Yoga which i will seek out. She also offered to give me more education on the spiritual aspects of yoga which i was and am very much looking forward to.

On of the quotes she said at lunch was -

That Yoga, performed with the proper attitude, each of our everyday actions can be an asana or physical practice, each breath a pranayama, each thought (or space between two successive thoughts) a seed for meditation.

Randy was referencing an article by Richard Rosen posted on titled Why Do We Practice. It is an excellent write up on bringing this question to mind.

We then reviewed the various schedules and recommendations of classes for me to take in the coming weeks. It was a real pleasure to sit with her and see someone so committed to practicing yoga - Randy really radiates a wonderfully peaceful enthusiasm!

On top of that we got to enjoy an awesome lunch provided by Chef Jenny Ross, i had the enchiladas and Randy had the nachos ... we both cleaned our plates and talked with Jenny about the weeks ahead and the benefits of integrating the yoga and raw food disciplines and how much i will reap! I laughed realizing that across the street i could see a place i used to get double cheeseburgers not long before!

The rest of the day at work i was still a little fatigued at times and i believe in part it was that i was not drinking enough water. Later in the evening i had a dinner of thai spring rolls and a ceasar salad - definitely my favorite salad so far! Celeste really hooked me up!

So the day is at a close and having skipped yoga today i feel a sense that something is missing but i know that rest will give me more energy to really go for it in tomorrows class!

Ultimately i feel good, calm and looking forward to day 4~


1 comment:

Kit said...

Keep it up Matt!