Meet Matt...
Matt is an outgoing 35 year old "normal" guy who works 8.5 hours a day in a high energy corporate environment and he is READY to RENEW his overall health...

Matt's Goal: To change his entire body composition in 60 days. Drop weight, Lose Inches, Increase Stamina, Increase Flexibility Excel at Work, and FEEL GREAT!

Matt has committed to eating a 100% detoxifying LIVING FOODS diet, to go to YOGA as often as his Yogaworks trainers tell him to, to eat whatever Chef Jenny at 118 tells him to, to exercise with weights twice a week- in short to turn everything around...

Can he do it? What will his results be? Check on "Raw Matt" daily, tell your friends, heck join him...

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Day 7 & 8

The last two days have been great – nothing really major to report other than im adapting to the raw palette and really enjoying the yoga. Yesterday I was intending to go to a Pilates class however I chose to do cardio again which was good. I ate all my raw meals but this brings me to a concern I have.

I am wondering if I am eating enough. I mean, I have a shake or raw granola in the morning, a salad of some kind and a more substantial meal and Im really full throughout the entire day and night.

Tonight I didn’t even think I was hungry after yoga – which was a great class by the way. I came home and saw my food but just really didn’t have an appetite since eating a 4pm (5 hours earlier!) I ate a little salad anyway and a bit of a surfer sandwich but not much.

Ill ask Jenny about this tomorrow. I trust the program but it’s a real adjustment from my previous diet of more meals and hunger. But a welcome adjustment nonetheless!

I’ve also decided to keep a small journal with me to record thoughts and experiences throughout the day – which i will reflect on here in the blog.

All in all im full steam ahead with 8 days already behind me~!


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