Meet Matt...
Matt is an outgoing 35 year old "normal" guy who works 8.5 hours a day in a high energy corporate environment and he is READY to RENEW his overall health...

Matt's Goal: To change his entire body composition in 60 days. Drop weight, Lose Inches, Increase Stamina, Increase Flexibility Excel at Work, and FEEL GREAT!

Matt has committed to eating a 100% detoxifying LIVING FOODS diet, to go to YOGA as often as his Yogaworks trainers tell him to, to eat whatever Chef Jenny at 118 tells him to, to exercise with weights twice a week- in short to turn everything around...

Can he do it? What will his results be? Check on "Raw Matt" daily, tell your friends, heck join him...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Days 45 - 49 - Fuente Eterno

Vacation time – I have been in Mexico for the last 4 and a half days. I cant say enough how rejuvenating it was to soak in a hot tub, be inspired by amazing people and maintain a healthy balance of my commitments.

To briefly summarize it took A LOT of preparation. Thank goodness for great counsel from Jenny regarding what foods to prepare. I essentially had to pack all my food / ice / water for the trip as we were in an extremely isolated location. This meant lots of granola, hemp milk, my greens an mini mixer. Fruit, almond butter, tamales from 118 Degrees, dressings, stuffed mushrooms and a few other goodies along with dry ice and bottled water. As far as food went I was totally good to go.

Yoga was another story. Though I was able to do some morning sun salutations and stretches I focused more on hiking around the incredible canyon we were in.

As the weekend progressed I continued to receive compliments from people who hadn’t seen me in a couple months and they always said how good I look etc. Obviously that felt awesome. I did notice I was thirstier than usual but the climate was dry among the hot springs.

Overall it was a wonderfully healing trip and one ill mark down as a favorite.


Days 43 - 44 Positive Feedback!

Well the last two days have been great. I’m noticing that my clothes are getting baggy and that im cinching my belt to its last hole. Also I’m constantly hearing how I look thinner and that there is a glow about my skin.

Aside from my personal growth and newfound energy, this is the feedback I really appreciate. My intent has always come from a positive space but the program does take work and a little sacrifice so when I hear comments like “wow you look great” and “hey those pants look really baggy on you” it’s great motivation that this program is delivering results. Im really looking forward to more~


Days 38 - 42 - Food is my Anchor

These last few days have been incredibly stressful as I am preparing for yet another challenge to this new lifestyle. Next week I am going away for 4 and a half days to camp in these incredible remote hot springs in México with a gang of friends. That said I have a lot to prepare for both packing wise of “stuff” and food and such.

Lately I have been running numerous errands and “skipping” yoga in the studio. I have however been building my home practice into a short but effective routine. It includes lots of downward dog, and some of the vinyasas I’ve learned over the last month and a half. I know I do so much “better” in the studio and look forward to getting back.

Food though, has been my anchor. Knowing I have healthy meals both for lunch and dinner makes my days go by smoothly. I really crave the yum factor I’ve found with living cuisine and still have that great feeling after eating; as though I am moving my health in a terrifically positive direction.


Day 37 - New Pasta!

OH man tonight was a challenge! First off though I’ll say I LOVE RAW FOOD!!! You know when I speak about this program people always ask me if I will continue this lifestyle. I usually say I don’t know because I already feel the benefits but who knows where my preferences will wind up as my two months pass. What I do know, is that Chef Jenny Ross is a Goddess! Today she made me this special “pasta” with avocado, dulse, zuchcinni, dehydrated mushrooms, and a few other ingredients – it was the best thing I’ve eaten this whole time! So as of today I’m raw for life ~ Please ask Jenny for this as it must be on the menu soon! -

That said my earlier night was not as brilliant. I arrived for my yin vinyasa class with Nora. I was there around 610 and the class starts at 630. Now mind you this is the class I get to early because of how crowded the room gets – (I’m still working through my “I like to have enough space around me” conversation)

For some reason however I simply could not find a parking spot again. It was really frustrating driving all over the plaza and surrounding streets to find a space. It got to be 628 and I found a spot across the street and ran to class. I wound up getting my mat down in a horizontal gap among the vertical mats within the room which felt a little awkward but ce la vie. I settled myself and surrendered to the night and brought my focus to center. I had a much better class and noticed I am able to go a bit deeper into certain poses namely the hip openers. Progress always feels good


Day 36 - Back to it!

Today I’m still groggy and playing catch up on feeling my now familiar vitality. Breakfast was a superfood shake with extra greens and lots of water and hot tea. Lunch was a kale salad and a fresh juice of greens and veggies after yoga.

I’m feeling recovered however my stamina in yoga was diminished. One of the things I appreciate about my yoga time though is I get to really dedicate a solid hour and a half to practice. It sometimes feels like entering a personal sanctuary where I can just ‘be in the space I’m in”. Granted, I think I’m learning that yoga’s true lesson is to take that hour and a half and extend that into our daily experiences.

For tonight though, an hour and a half was PLENTY! I kept noticing that I was “not as good” as the previous weeks sessions but I continued to remind myself to go with my flow and stay present.

By the end of tonight I’m feeling worked but good at the same time – and glad I went to class.

But I have a feeling ill be sore in the morning~


Monday, March 3, 2008

Day 32 - 35 - Birthday Weekend

This weekend has had an undercurrent of apprehensiveness. It was my birthday weekend and though not a major milestone of a birthday, it was important to me nonetheless.

I’d say that a major reason for taking this program on was that I knew I was in the middle of many poor lifestyle habits concerning my diet, exercise and overall “mindset”. I was tired of feeling tired and didn’t want to head into my next bday with feelings of regret but rather with feelings of optimism based on my actions. So over the last few days it has been important to me to really care for my body. As mentioned before I am finding balance with the raw food diet – not diet in the sense of “losing weight” but in the sense of a consistent manner of eating. Also the yoga, though intermittent this weekend, has grounded me as my celebration night approaches.

So out we all go on Saturday night – my actual bday and we head out to a party – I’ll say I did have a couple drinks but really tempered my familiar “rock out!” pattern. Honestly it wasn’t such an obstacle though I expected it to be. I really have been more removed from my social scene during this time and thus my concern / apprehension of being out in “the scene”. Though I pushed my night into the wee hours of the morning I came into Sunday tired and ready for a long rest. By this evening (Sunday) I am still tired and know that yoga is going to kick my ass tomorrow night …

But I’ll say this .. it was worth it!
